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Pet Eye Infections FAQ

Pet Eye Infections FAQ

Pet eye infections are extremely common. They range from mild to severe cases that can seriously impair your pet’s vision. If you suspect your pet has an eye infection, bring him to Katy Area Veterinary Medical Group for a checkup. The answers to the following pet eye infections FAQs provide more information about eye infection causes, symptoms, and treatment.

What Causes Eye Infections in Pets?

Various factors can cause your pet to develop an eye infection. Eye injuries can lead to infections, especially if they’re left untreated. Foreign substances in your pet’s eye, parasites, viruses, and bacteria can cause eye infections in your pet. Eye infections can even be symptoms of a medical condition.

What Are Some Signs That My Pet Has an Eye Infection?

Your pet constantly rubbing his eye is a telltale sign of eye irritation or infection.  Other signs include eye swelling, cloudy iris, discharge from the eye, eye redness, or excessive blinking or squinting. At the first sign of eye problems, contact our Katy veterinarian for a checkup. The longer you delay, the greater the risk of the infection causing permanent vision loss.    

How Are Pet Eye Infections Treated?

Our Katy vet will examine your pet’s eyes, assess his overall health, and review your pet’s medical history to determine the source of any eye infection. Once we know what’s causing an eye infection, we can recommend appropriate treatment. Systemic and topical medications like eye drops and ointments are often effective for treating eye infections.

Can Pet Eye Infections Be Prevented?

By taking precautions with your pet, you can reduce the risk of eye infections. Wash your dog’s face after a walk or run outdoors to remove dirt, pollen, and other substances that can irritate his eyes. Don’t let your dog hang out the window when riding in the car to avoid debris entering his eyes.

Visit Our Katy Veterinarian for Pet Eye Infection Care

To schedule a consultation for diagnosis and treatment of an eye infection in your pet, contact Katy Area Veterinary Medical Group at 281-398-1551.