
Traveling with Pets

Interstate Travel

  • Requires little pre-travel planning. *Except Hawaii*
  • Health Certificates are typically filled out within 10 days of travel.
  • A Rabies Certificate will accompany the Health Certificate.
  • Travel to Hawaii is treated as international travel.

International Travel

  • Can be very difficult.
  • The owner is responsible for researching and meeting ALL requirements for preparing for international travel. Please see the USDA Animal Plant and Health Inspection Service (APHIS) website for export requirements.
  • Our veterinarians are accredited by the USDA and prepared to sign form 7001 or its equivalent as provided by the USDA.
  • Because the requirements for some countries can be so burdensome, if your pets' vaccines were done elsewhere, we will not take part in the issuance of an international health certificate. If your pets' vaccines were done elsewhere and you need to travel internationally with them, please contact the veterinarian(s) that administered the vaccines or the state USDA veterinarians for assistance.
  • Often requires several months of planning.
  • Often requires special documents in multiple languages.
  • Often requires special blood testing.
  • Often requires special flea/tick and intestinal parasite treatments prior to travel, regardless of infection status.
  • If making multiple stops, you may be required to have different documentation for each country.
  • Before our doctors will begin work on the process for an International Health Certificate, you must make an appointment with one of our Office Managers to go over key details and begin working on a timeline of events & documentation needs. Please call or e-mail our Office Managers to set up an appointment.
  • We are not responsible for obtaining information required to enter another country with your pet. Please research this and allow several months of planning. Visit the USDA for more information.

General Considerations

  • Pet(s) must be presented for examination at the time the travel certificates are completed.
  • Contact your airline during the planning process. Each airline may have a different policy regarding travel with pets and/or the use of sedatives.
  • Weather Conditions
  • Time of Year
  • Length of travel