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Spay & Neuter Procedures

Our Veterinarians In Katy Offers Spay and Neuter Procedures

As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to look out for the health and well-being of your pets. That responsibility usually includes tasks like scheduling annual veterinary visits, taking them to the vet to get their vaccinations, and even spaying or neutering them. Neutering refers to the surgical removal of an animal's reproductive organs. It is also referred to both sexes. Spaying is only specifically for female animals. Here at Katy Area Veterinary Medical Group, we encourage pet owners to spay or neuter their pets, as they provide many benefits.

Why Spay or Neuter Your Pets?

Many veterinary experts and animal lovers recommend that pet owners have their cats or dogs neutered or spayed for a variety of reasons. Sterilization helps prevent many cancers, like ovarian, uterine, and testicular, as well as reduce pet overpopulation. It can reduce aggression and other unwanted behaviors in animals. Essentially, spay and neuter surgeries are performed to increase the quality of life in pets.

What to Expect From Spay and Neuter Surgeries

Spay and neuter surgeries are performed by a certified veterinarian, just like ours. After the surgery is over, our vets will provide you with instructions for post-surgical care. Post-procedural instructions will ask the pet owner to monitor the pet for signs of infections, prevent the pet from licking the incision area, and avoid strenuous activity and baths. If your cats or dogs display any signs of trouble, then another visit to the animal hospital may be needed.

Visit Our Veterinarians in Katy, TX, For More Information about Spay and Neuter Procedures

Our animal hospital, Katy Area Veterinary Medical Group, happily offers spaying and neutering services to pets in Katy and surrounding areas. If you are interested in booking an appointment with us, please contact us at 281-398-1551.