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Keeping Your Pet Well Groomed and Clean

Keeping Your Pets Well-groomed and Clean

At Katy Area Veterinary Medical Group in Katy, Texas, we believe that having a well-groomed pet is more than making them look good and smell nice. When you keep your pet well-groomed and clean, you’re also helping them maintain good health. Following a regular grooming schedule for your pets will minimize your trips to the veterinarian.

Basic Grooming for Pets

Your Dog’s Coat: Proper nutrition can help maintain your dog’s shiny coat, but regular bathing and brushing are also necessary. The bathing frequency will vary among dogs, depending on the activity level and length and type of coat. You’ll want to keep your dog’s coat clean to prevent matting. Mats are essentially knots in the hair that are the result of the tangling of loose hair, dander and other debris that aren’t cleaned from a dog’s coat. If the mats aren’t removed, they can retain moisture and fungus that can lead to infectious conditions. If the infectious matter makes it’s way to the dog's skin, then veterinarian care may be required to treat the skin condition.

Trim Nails: A groomer will help maintain a healthy length for your dog’s nails. It’s important not to allow your dog’s nails to grow too long or to become frayed. Either condition can be detrimental to your dog’s health. Regular walking on hard surfaces can keep nails trim, but the nails can sometimes crack and cause pain or discomfort to your pet.

Ears: Debris in a dog’s ears can create an environment that allows for ear mites and a variety of infections to exist. Regular dog grooming should include ear cleaning to maintain healthy ears.

Oral and Dental Health: Poor oral hygiene can negatively impact your dog’s internal organs. Bacteria from tooth infections can travel through your dog’s digestive tract affecting organs along the way. Teeth should be brushed using dental products created for dogs.

Eyes: Any discharge or secretions from a dog’s eyes should be wiped away with a clean cloth. If it returns and is continual you may want to seek veterinary care. If eye secretions aren’t removed from the eye area they can cause matted hair and can sometimes scratch the dog's eye if the mat grows large enough.

Pet Care for Katy

Despite an adequate grooming routine for your pets, conditions may arise that will require a consultation with your veterinarian. Please contact us at Katy Area Veterinary Medical Group in Katy for any veterinary care needs. Our team can make sure your furry friend lives a long and healthy life.