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What is TPLO Surgery?

What Is TPLO Surgery?

When your dog is injured in an accident or has an age-related condition that causes an injury, you may need to consider orthopedic surgery for pets. Katy Area Veterinary Medical Group offers orthopedic procedures to help with certain conditions, including TPLO surgery.

What Is TPLO Surgery?

TPLO surgery is a short way of saying tibial plateau leveling osteotomy. It is a surgical procedure used to treat a rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament, or CCL, in dogs that are often energetic, playful, or engaged in rigorous activity. The rupture is a common injury that may occur in certain conditions, as well as accidents and caused by certain diseases. The surgery focuses on stabilizing the joint to help reduce complications, pain, and stiffness caused by the ruptured ligament.

When Does It Help My Dog?

The surgical procedure helps your dog after an injury the CCL or a ruptured CCL. It is most commonly used to treat injuries caused by gradual wear and tear on the ligament that results in a rupture. However, it may also be used after an accident causes a ruptured ligament or a degenerative condition contributes to the injury.

As a general rule, our veterinarian in Katy will only recommend this treatment at our animal hospital if the ligament is ruptured or severely injured. This surgical procedure is the last process for pets who have had these injuries, and we evaluate the specific needs of your pet before recommending this treatment strategy. We may use orthopedic surgery for pets in specific situations that require a more advanced treatment strategy. Our veterinarian in Katy will look at your pet's injuries, the severity of the injury, and the contributing factors before recommending a treatment plan that may include TPLO surgery as part of the recovery process.

Call for an Appointment

When you are concerned about your pet's health and you notice that your pet seems to have pain when moving, visit our animal hospital to have the situation evaluated. To learn more about treating a ruptured ligament in your pet or to set up an appointment with our veterinary professionals, call (281) 398-1551 today.