We know how it feels to bring a new puppy home for the first time. Everyone is so excited and loves to hold the new family member. The baby wants to carry him around but can only grab him around the neck as he dangles precariously until you quickly lend your assistance. After all, it’s the weekend and you want to do as much bonding as possible. And, to be one-step-ahead, you are already planning how to make your little guy comfortable on Monday when the family is off to work, and the puppy will be left alone for the first time in his new home.

0032114001675194073.jpgNow it's Monday, and you put down food, water, toys and some puppy pee pads in the guest bathroom.  He will be safe there and close the door.  You think he has food, water, and a place to go to the bathroom. You will only be gone eight or nine hours and then you can come home the family can play with the Little Guy again.

To your horror, when you arrive home, the bathroom door is destroyed! Who knew that such a little darling could be so destructive. Not only is the bathroom a mess but Little Guy is bleeding from his paws and his mouth. What happened? Did he puncture himself while doing this destruction?


After a trip to the veterinarian you are assured that your dog is going to be fine. However, you still have to deal with the bathroom door!  And, what about tomorrow? Where is little guy going to be while you are at work?

You remember that your veterinarian suggested that you may want to consider doggy daycare. You check into it and learn that Hot Diggity Dog Resort is renown for their amazing doggy daycare. The reviews are terrific! They provide webcams allowing you can check in anytime you want to see Little Guy. So, you pick up the phone and call. While on the phone you learn that Little Guy may have Separation Anxiety and the trainers at Hot Diggity Dog Resort can assist you with that as well.

Life is so much simpler now. Little Guy is doing great and loves going to doggy daycare at Hot Diggity Dog Resort. Now the bathroom door is fixed and there have been no more incidents. Not only that, but you are learning to “Think Like A Dog” with the training provided by Hot Diggity Dog Resort’s trainers and the resources at Think Like A Dog University https://TLADU.com

For more information call 760-745-9900 or visit us at our website https://hotdiggitydogresort.com and let us help you be your little guy’s hero.