3 Pet Health Tips for the New Year in Ferndale, NY

The New Year is here again, so it is time to create brand new resolutions for yourself and your furry friends. For your furry friends, you can help your pet in Ferndale, NY live a healthy, happy life by making a few key changes to your daily routine. Simple changes make the biggest difference, no matter how old or young your beloved pet is this year.

Woman running with her dog for new years.

Adjust Their Feeding Schedule

Skip the free feeds – Your pets’ health will benefit most when you break up daily meals into a manageable schedule. Measure the correct amount of food your pets should have each day and split it up into two to three feedings for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Make sure that your pet has a calm, quiet area to eat the food to help your furry friends take in enough nutrients to maintain a healthy weight.

Amp Up Your Walk or Play Routine

Daily walks for dogs, and playtime for cats, help keep your furry friends in excellent health. The dedicated exercise time helps your pets burn off excess energy and remain in good spirits. You will notice a marked decrease in behavioral issues after committing to a daily walk or play schedule. Your pet will have a better chance of staying a healthy weight and building muscle while engaging in these daily activities by your side.

Acquire Regular Checkups

Your pets need to come to the vet for regular wellness checks to prevent health issues from developing in the future. Vets thoroughly examine their patients for any signs of health problems on the horizon. Even if your pet is healthy at all wellness checks, your visits help develop a baseline to measure from when problems develop.

Receive a Pet Health Check from Your Veterinarian in Ferndale

Start the New Year off right with a pet health check from your veterinarian in Ferndale. At the Animal Hospital of Sullivan County, you can bring your pet in for a wellness check or acute care anytime. Give us a call at 845-292-6711 to make an appointment today.


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7:30 am - 6:00 pm
7:30 am - 6:00 pm
7:30 am - 6:00 pm
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