Pet Skin Diseases

Pet Skin Diseases Treated by the Animal Hospital of Sullivan County

Though your pets are covered with fur, they have skin that can become irritated and subjected to diseases. Everything from heat rash to mange can cause irritation, itching, and frustration for your pet. Identifying common skin conditions and how they are treated and prevented can help ensure that your pet is comfortable and healthy. If you are concerned about your pet's skin health, the experts at the Animal Hospital of Sullivan County can help with all your veterinary needs.



Fleas are one of the most common sources of itching for pets, especially if they spend time outdoors as well as indoors. If your pet has fleas, they not only have itching from the bites but are at risk for further complications and illnesses because of the fleas. The fleas can carry disease, which can be transferred to your pet. In addition, because fleas suck blood, if they are left untreated, your pet can become seriously ill. The best way to deal with fleas is through prevention. Regular flea prevention as part of your pet's care will keep your pet free from fleas and the itchiness that comes with it.


Pets can have allergies just like humans. These include both food and environmental allergies. When your pet has allergies, your pet may experience itchy skin, including a rash. This can continue as long as your pet is exposed to the allergen. Because of the itchiness, your pet may continue scratching; leaving raw and bleeding skin that can become infected if left untreated. Once allergies are identified, they can be avoided to bring your pet relief. Your veterinarian may also prescribe an allergy medication, especially for environmental allergies, to ease your pet's symptoms and reduce itchiness of the skin.


Mange is a skin disease caused by mites that pets can pick up and can lead to severe infection and discomfort. Mange is marked by patches of hair loss, with irritated skin becoming exposed. Mange can be spread to other animals as well as to humans. Once it has been diagnosed, mange can be treated by your pet's vet. Your pet's veterinarian can give your pet a treatment that kills the mite. This reduces the symptoms of mange and allows the pet's skin to heal and the hair to grow back. The key to successful treatment is early diagnosis and treatment, which prevents the mange from spreading further.

Contact the Animal Hospital of Sullivan County for Immediate Treatment if Your Pet is at Risk

Whether you suspect a skin disease or need more information on prevention, your veterinarian at the Animal Hospital of Sullivan County can help. Call today to get information or make an appointment for your pet at (845)292-6711.


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