Pet Surgery

Pet Surgery at Our Animal Hospital of Sullivan County  

Providing the right pet care for your beloved pets may mean scheduling surgery for them at some point or other. At times like this, it really helps to know that your Animal Hospital of Sullivan County has the necessary equipment, skills and expertise to offer the best possible outcome and the easiest possible recovery. Here at the Animal Hospital of Sullivan County, each veterinarian on our team can give your pets the high standard of surgical care they need and deserve.


The Many Applications of Pet Surgery

Pet surgery can play a role in everything from routine preventative pet care to life-saving emergency treatment. Our Animal Hospital of Sullivan County’s surgical services include:

  • Spaying and Neutering - Our Sullivan County veterinarian always recommend spaying and neutering in keeping with our emphasis on preventative pet care. Spay and neuter is more than just pregnancy prevention; it also removes the threat of uterine, testicular and ovarian cancer while drastically reducing the risk of other health dangers, from mammary cancer to heat-driven compulsive behaviors.
  • Dental Surgery - The bacterial infiltration of an infected tooth can spread to other teeth, sometimes making extraction surgery necessary. Oral cancer is an even more dangerous, even potentially fatal threat. We can surgically remove an oral cancer tumor from your pet's mouth.
  • Skin Lump Removal - Lumps on or just underneath the skin may be skin cancer, a common occurrence in pets. Most skin tumors are benign, but removal of the lump (lumpectomy) can help us make sure. If a biopsy reveals a malignancy, we can recommend further treatment options.
  • Internal Surgery - When something is going wrong inside your pet's body, the Animal Hospital of Sullivan County can help.  Our surgical skills enable us to perform procedures such as C-sections, and the removal of internal tumors, bladder stones, intestinal foreign bodies or obtain surgical biopsies.
  • Orthopedic Surgery - If your pet has trouble lying down, standing up or moving quickly, joint pain or injury may be the reason. Your Sullivan Country veterinarian can diagnose the problem and treat medically if appropriate or refer your pet to a board certified orthopedic specialist.
  • Emergency Surgery - Our Animal Hospital in Sullivan County can perform immediate surgery in response to emergency situations. Your Sullivan County veterinarian can reposition twisted digestive organs, remove foreign objects or dangerous bladder obstructions (such as stones), stabilized fractured bones and seal deep lacerations with sutures.

Let Our Veterinarian in Sullivan County Help Your Pet

We know surgery is a hard thing for pet owners to think about, but we can assure you that your pet will be in good hands here at the Animal Hospital of Sullivan County. Put your mind at ease today by calling (845) 292-6711 to schedule a consultation with your veterinarian in Sullivan County!


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7:30 am - 6:00 pm


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7:30 am - 6:00 pm


7:30 am - 5:00 pm


7:30 am - 2:00 pm



7:30 am - 6:00 pm
7:30 am - 6:00 pm
7:30 am - 6:00 pm
7:30 am - 6:00 pm
7:30 am - 5:00 pm
7:30 am - 2:00 pm