Pet Dental Care

Pet Dental

Your pet’s dental health in Portland requires regular dental cleanings and checkups just like you do. That is why we offer pet dental cleaning for your dog or cat at the Peninsula Dog and Cat Clinic. Dr. Kenneth DeRemer works with you and your pet to determine the best route for dental care. Whether your pet has never received dental care, or you want to start a regular teeth cleaning schedule, let our veterinarian in Portland assist you. 

Importance of Pet Dental Care

A dog or cat needs to have a regular pet dental cleaning as part of their preventative care. This cleaning allows Dr. DeRemer to remove any bacteria, plaque, or tartar that has accumulated on the teeth and gums of the pet. If left unmanaged, these substances can cause serious dental damage and decay, as well as general infection and health problems. A dental checkup also gives Dr. DeRemer the opportunity to identify any indicators of other health concerns, such as swollen gums or loose teeth, which may be a sign of something more serious going on with your pet’s health. Other health concerns diagnosed through pet dental checkups include oral cancer, injuries, and infections that need to be treated immediately. Fortunately with a regular dental checkup, your pet’s oral health will be maintained more efficiently.

Use of Anesthesia and Dental X-ray

Generally, we will use general anesthesia when performing a pet dental cleaning for a dog or cat. This is both for the comfort of the pet and the safety of our veterinarian in Portland. Considering that dental cleanings and oral checkups require the pet to be absolutely still with their mouth open for a period of time, anesthesia is recommended in most cases. Please note we will need to conduct a blood test panel to ensure that your pet is healthy and able to be put under anesthesia.

We may also use digital x-rays to review and diagnose any oral concerns. Both anesthesia and x-rays are performed by licensed technicians who are trained in their area of expertise. This ensures the safety of your pet during dental care. If your pet is determined to have dental problems identified through X-rays Dr. DeRemer can provide treatments or pet surgery as needed.

Pet Dental Cleaning and Home Care

Once Dr. DeRemer has conducted a diagnostic check of your pet’s teeth, jaw, and tongue, the next step is a dental cleaning. This removes all of the tartar, plaque, and particles in your pet’s teeth and mouth, just like a dental cleaning for a person. To maintain healthy dental care at home, your vet in Portland may also recommend regular brushing and rinsing using specially formulated pet dental rinses and chews. This can give your pet optimal dental care throughout the year, as we recommend a dental cleaning once annually. 

Schedule an Appointment with Your Portland Veterinarian

If you are ready to give your pet a dental health checkup, contact a veterinarian in Portland. Here at the Peninsula Dog and Cat Clinic Dr. DeRemer offers dog and cat teeth cleaning, as well as pet surgery for dental health issues. Contact our office at 503-285-7661 to schedule a pet dental cleaning in Portland, OR. We look forward to helping your pet improve their oral health and wellness through preventative dental checkups.