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How to Prepare Your Pet for Surgery

Preparing your pet for surgery is crucial for his or her safety and well-being throughout the process. Just like humans, pets require careful preparation to minimize risks and complications associated with surgery. Before visiting Danforth Animal Hospital in Edmond, OK, take a look at some proactive steps you can follow to help your furry friend have a smoother and more successful surgical experience below:

Consultation and Evaluation

Before your pet undergoes surgery, it's crucial to schedule a consultation with our veterinarians. During this appointment, we will evaluate your pet's overall health and discuss the specific procedure in detail with you. Our vets can also answer any questions and address any concerns you may have about the surgery at this time.

Follow Pre-Surgery Instructions

We will provide you with a set of pre-surgery instructions to follow. These directions may include fasting your pet for a certain period before the surgery or adjusting medication schedules. Adhering to the instructions is essential to ensure the success and safety of the procedure.

Create a Comfortable Recovery Space

After surgery, your pet will need a quiet and comfortable space to recover. Set up a cozy area in your home with soft bedding where your cat or dog can rest undisturbed. Keep the area warm and free from drafts, and consider using a crate or playpen to prevent your pet from moving around too much during the recovery period.

Monitor Your Pet's Behavior

Pay close attention to your pet's behavior leading up to the surgery and during the recovery process. Look out for any changes in appetite, energy levels, or mobility, as these behaviors could be signs of underlying issues that need to be addressed before proceeding with procedure. Inform our veterinarians immediately if you notice any concerning symptoms.

Follow Post-Surgery Care Instructions

After the procedure, we will provide you with detailed post-surgery care instructions. This may include administering medications, changing dressings, monitoring incision sites, and limiting your pet's activity level. It's crucial to follow these instructions closely to ensure a smooth and speedy recovery for your furry companion.

Schedule Follow-Up Appointments

Schedule follow-up appointments with our veterinarians as recommended to monitor your pet's progress and remove any sutures or staples. These appointments allow us to assess your cat or dog's healing process and address any concerns or complications that may arise.

Contact Danforth Animal Hospital for an Appointment Today

At Danforth Animal Hospital in Edmond, OK, team is dedicated to providing the highest quality care for your furry family members. If you have any questions about preparing your pet for a procedure or would like to schedule a consultation, contact us at (405) 340-1020 today. When you need a veterinarian near me, we are happy to assist!