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Traveling with your Pets


Before taking my pet on a long car trip what should I do?

Many dogs have no trouble adjusting to a car journey, long or short, but for others it can be a bad experience if they have not been properly prepared, or their needs during the trip are neglected.

First, if your dog has not been used to being in a car, take them for short trips, always before a meal rather than soon afterwards. This will help avoid car- or motion-sickness. Make the association with the car ride rewarding for the dog by giving a treat or meal as soon as the trip is over.  

Getting your cat used to being in the pet carrier before a car ride will help ease the anxiety.  Sometimes sitting the carrier out in an open area where they can see it several days before the trip can be helpful. 

How can I avoid car-sickness?

Car- or motion-sickness is the result of the effect of irregular motion on the balance mechanism of the middle ear. The signs are restlessness, salivation and vomiting. Waiting at least six hours between the last meal and traveling will help. In severe cases of motion sickness, your veterinarian can prescribe medication to be given before a journey. We can also prescribe anxiety medications for your cat or dog in extreme cases. 

What can I do to make my pets more comfortable traveling?

·         Have the dog ride inside the car rather than in the back of a pick-up or inside a camper.

·         Don’t allow the dog to run and jump in the car, especially not near the driver.

Make sure there is plenty of fresh air and that the temperature is not too hot towards the back of the car where the dog will likely be.

If you need to open a window, keep it closed enough that the dog cannot stick his head out of the window and be injured by flying insects or pieces of gravel from the road.

Your cat should always travel inside of their pet carrier.  Secure the pet carrier with a seat belt and make sure that there is plenty of ventilation as the pet inside a carrier can become easily over heated.  

What about rest-breaks?

Stop at regular intervals, generally every two to four hours, to give your dog a chance to exercise, relieve himself, and have a drink of water.

·         When you stop, secure the dog with a leash BEFORE you open the door.

Observe notices for pet exercise areas and have a plastic bag supply in the car for “stoop and scoop”.

Cats will need access to water at rest breaks as well as allowing them time to use a litter box.  Many cats become stressed during travel so do not open the pet carrier until the cat is in a secure area.  A normally calm cat can become frightened in a travel situation where they are in unfamiliar territory.  

What if I have to leave my pet in the car?

Never leave your dog or cat alone in a car. The temperature can quickly rise to a dangerous level, causing heat stroke, even on a cool day. Leaving a window partially open may not be enough and may invite trouble if a child pokes a finger into the car. Always take your pet with you instead of leaving them unattended in the car.  

How can I find motels or accommodations that accept pets?

Many bookstores have guides available. The directories of the many hotel chains usually indicate whether dogs are allowed (the number of rooms for pets may be restricted so check ahead). The Internet is a rich source of information on travel with pets (,, and The AAA/CAA club also has useful resources for pet travel.

Are there Pet Travel Clubs? is one such club offering a directory of lodgings accepting dogs, veterinary hospitals, boarding facilities, etc. Traveling with your pet is becoming more common than ever before and restaurants and lodging facilities are responding to this trend.


  This client information sheet is based on material written by Ernest Ward, DVM.

© Copyright 2005 Lifelearn Inc. Used with permission under license. December 4, 2017