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Labor Day Pet Hazards

Labor Day

Labor day weekend can be a lot of fun, but sometimes this busy time can have potential hazards for your pets.  There are a few things to consider especially during Memorial day parties and cookouts. 

  • Alcohol:  Always be cautious about any drinks, especially mixed drinks containing alcohol.  Even a small amount of alcohol can cause your pet to be lethargic, depressed, and ataxic. 
  • Onions & Garlic:  Onions and garlic can cause a severe anemia in companion animals.  They also contain compounds that can cause damage to the lining of the gastrointestinal tract.  If your pet ingests either of these we may need to induce vomiting if they have recently been ingested.
  • Bones:  Bones of all kinds can cause gastorintestinal tract laceration and obstruction.  Any type of bone can cause problems for your pets.  We do not recommend feeding any type of bones from meat to your pet. 
  • Grapes and Raisins:  Grapes and raisins are toxic to pets.  They should not be fed to them.  Even a small amount of grapes can cause kidney failure.  If your pet has eaten grapes please call our clinic to discuss it with your veterinarian. 
  • Table scraps:  We do not recommend feeding table scraps of any kind to your pets.  Some pets can become sick with pancreatitis after eating only a small amount of table scraps.  Make sure to tell your guests that your pet doesn’t need to be fed from the table.  

If you pet has any access to any of the above listed hazards please contact us immediately.