The Benefits of Preventive Care for Your Pet  

While taking pets to the vet when they are sick or injured is important, these are not the only times they should visit. Routine checkups are an essential part of caring for pets and keeping them as healthy as possible. Preventive care for pets offers several benefits that can help pets live long, happy lives.

Catching Health Problems Early

During routine exams, veterinarians check pets’ eyes, skin, ears, teeth and other areas to look for signs of health issues. They also examine stool samples to look for parasites and check pets’ heart rate to make sure it is in a healthy range. These exams can help vets detect signs of health problems, including infections or illnesses, and begin treating them if needed. In some cases, this early detection can significantly improve the chance of fully recovering from health issues.

Preventing Obesity

Obesity in pets is common and can lead to an increased risk of serious health conditions, such as diabetes and heart problems. Pet owners do not always watch their pets’ weight on a regular basis, so these routine exams offer a good way to keep track of weight loss or weight gain. When preventive care exams show that pets have put on weight or are in danger of becoming obese, veterinarians can advise pet owners on effective ways to help their pets lose weight or successfully managing a chronic condition.

Staying Current on Vaccinations

Vaccinations lower pets’ risks of getting serious and potentially fatal diseases, such as rabies and distemper, as long as they stay current on them. Bringing pets in for regular exams helps ensure that they stay up-to-date on these important shots. Pet owners should also keep in mind that many states require dogs and cats to be vaccinated against rabies. During routine exams, veterinarians can let pet owners know which vaccinations their pets should have.

Have you scheduled your pet’s routine checkup yet?