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Call us to schedule a FREE Splash Orientation!

Two dogs are swimming.

Pack up the dogs and bring them swimming!

Our heated, indoor, salt-water pool is a safe environment for swimming all year round. Our swim orientation includes assisted swimming with our swim coach so your dog can quickly acclimate to an in-ground pool environment. Our pool allows us to offer:

Fun for you and your dog!

After completing a swim orientation, you can drop in for swim sessions whenever you like.

Entertainment and exercise for daycare and lodging dogs.

Our daycare dogs can participate in swim group swim sessions daily.

Swim Classes

If your dog doesn’t know how to swim, our trained staff and swim coach can help you train your dog. We offer drop-in classes, puppy classes, and individual swim lessons so you can choose the class that’s right for you and your dog.

Exercise and Conditioning

Swimming lessons are great for performance and conformation dogs. Dogs with weight issues can also benefit from this low-impact, fun way to get needed exercise.

Free Orientation     Swim Classes     Open Swim     Pool Parties

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