

Surgical Monitoring/Support

250x250_54791.jpgAt South Franklin Animal Hospital we have strived to have the best in animal monitoring with a Surgivet unit. This unit is able to monitor EKG, pulse oximetry, End Tidal C02, Blood pressure, and Core Temperature. This type of unit is used in the human field for state of the art monitoring for surgical/anesthetic procedures. Anesthesia is not without risk, but appropriate monitoring decreases complications.

Electrocardiogram {EKG}: Measures the electrical impulse of the heart. Changes in these electrical impulses can be caused by electrolyte imbalances, respiratory disease, cancer, trauma, and heart disease. With our EKG we can immediately determine if your pet's heart is beating in the correct rhythym, and if not why.

Pulse Oximetry/SpO2: This monitors an animal's heart rate and blood oxygen level. Animals with problems breathing or under gas anesthetics may not be breathing in enough oxygen. This measures the oxygen level in the blood and alarms us if a problem. Supplying an animal in respiratory distress with nasal oxygen or altering oxygen level for a patient under anesthesia can be life saving.

End Tidal CO2: This is the state of the art in anesthesia monitoring and is the standard of monitoring anesthesia in the human field. This monitor is able to take in samples of the patient's breath to sample for levels of inspired and expired carbon dioxide. If levels are abnormal for inspiration and/or expiration, a serious problem can be detected and anesthesia can be corrected and/or adjusted accordingly.

Blood Pressure: This is using the same type of blood pressure cuff, except specific for animals {according to size}, that is used on us. Blood pressure monitoring is important to ensure a safe plane of anesthesia and for fluid therapy adjustments. Blood pressure measuring is also great for cats that are so prone to hypertension.

Core Temperature: This is a probe that is either put in the rectum to monitor the pet's temperature. Hypothermia is a result of anesthesia and can allow recovery to be difficult and slow, and if not addressed can be deadly. We at SFAH feel this can be the biggest overall issue in a pet's anesthesia recovery.

Warming Units {both air and water}:Since hypothermia is such a problem with animals under anesthesia, at SFAH we have invested in state of the art warming devices. At the hospital we use both warm water units and warm air units to keep patients warm during surgery and recovery. These units along with blankets and constant monitoring allows for a warm, comfortable recovery. This is another reason SFAH is set apart from the rest.

Intravenous Fluid Therapy: All general anesthetic patients will have an Intravenous catheter and Intravenous, warm fluids administered pre, peri , and post surgery/anesthesia. At SFAH we feel this is a critical step in keeping blood pressure normalized, organs dieuresed,  and body warmed. This also enables if and when complications occur.