Parasite Control/DeWorming

Parasite Control/DeWorming


Center for Disease Control

Parasites come in all shapes and sizes. Some, such as fleas, mites and ticks live on the outside of the body and are often visible while others live undiagnosed inside of the body. Some parasite cross species lines and are therefore potentially very dangerous to humans.

Symptoms of a parasitic problem range from simple skin rashes while others are life threatening and can cause blindness, seizures, encephalitis, meningitis or even death in humans.

To protect humans, the CDC (Center for Disease Control) is actively involved with the health of our pets. The people that are particularly at risk are children and immunocompromized people such as the elderly or those that are on medications.

Out of concern for our pets AND their owners, we recommend;

  • Puppies and kittens need to be dewormed multiple times as they are more prone to having internal parasites. Often they are even born with worms.
  • We also strongly recommend a minimum of an annual deworming for all adult pets.
  • Parasites are very opportunistic and our pets can be exposed in many different ways so even out 100% indoor pets should be routinely dewormed.

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