

Whether your desire is to breed your pet or prevent their pregnancy, we can help you.

Planning your pet’s pregnancy is an exciting period but is more complicated than many people understand. Different breeds carry different genetic problems so finding the perfect mate is essential for responsible breeding. OFA X-Rays may be recommended to evaluate a dog’s hips and elbows (especially important in larger breeds), Brucellosis screening to make sure no venereal disease will be passed, semen evaluation and potentially nutritional counseling.

The timing for the breeding is very important to help assure a pregnancy occurs and to obtain the maximum amount of puppies. We can do progesterone/estrogen testing to help you time the breeding or do an Artificial Insemination (AI) if there is a breeding complication.

Once pregnant, we are here to help educate you on how to prepare for the exciting day. We can perform an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy or X-Ray to count the babies. WE also want you to understand how to recognize potential problems when a veterinarian needs to be contacted.Whether it is helping you and your pet with the whelping or performing a necessary Caesarian surgery, we want to do everything possible to help you during this exciting time.

Spaying/neutering can reduce or eliminate many health problems so these pets typically live longer that those that have not undergone this surgery. If your desire is to prevent a pregnancy, call us so we can discuss the best time to spay/neuter your pet. Our recommendations may vary depending on the species and the breed.

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