

For your convenience, we maintain a comprehensive pharmacy on our premises for all of your pets. We also can provide home delivery through our Online Store that can be accessed via our web sites home page.

We buy our products from only reputable manufactures and distributors thus eliminating the concerns from black marketed and over sees products. Rather than expose your pets to these counterfeit products, we now do our best to price match, saving you money while still selling you the "real thing". Some companies are able to purchase products in such large quantities, that they receive greatly discounted pricing. Give us a call to see ifwe are able to match pricing for you when compared to reputable Online companies.

Our on site inventory includes prescription medications such as antibiotics, anti-fungals, steroids, hormones, dewormers, sedatives, anesthetics, anti-inflammatories and several pain management choices. We also have dietary supplements like vitamins, minerals and nutraceuticals such as glucosamines available without a prescription. Flea and tick prevention and dental products are always stocked and our knowledgeable team can assist you in choosing the correct product for your pet and your situation.

If a product is not available, we work with compounding pharmacies that will mail your Rx directly to your home. They can also adjust the dosage for very small pets, make some prescriptions into a liquid form and/or change the flavor to make it more palatable.

For the animals protection, Oregon State Licensing Boards REQUIRES that all pets receive a complete physical examination every year in order to be treated or dispensed any medication.Laboratory blood work may also be required for refills of some prescriptions.

Please call 24 hours in advance for prescription refills to allow us time to review your records for any exams or blood work that may be necessary before a refill can be done.

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