
Muffin's Musings - A Cat's Journey from Heavy to Healthy: #2

Muffin's Musings - a Cat's Journey from Heavy to Healthy - Pet Weight Loss

Hello New friends and fans – Muffin here again for my weekly check in.

I guess you could say I’m getting used to things here.  I am told that this place can be scary for cats, but honestly I can’t see what the fuss is about.  The dogs (who don’t really intimidate me as much as they think they do) are all on leashes (well except the three that seem to have special privileges), and the cats are mostly in boxes.  Frankly, I’d rather deal with the dogs anyway.  The place can get kind of crazy with people and animals everywhere – it’s really rather fun to sit back and watch.  From my spot in the “lounge” I can eat my meal and watch the fun.  It’s like dinner and a show.

My counselors (staff) must think that I’ve been on good behavior, because they are kind of giving me the run of the place.  Honestly, there’s only a few real places of interest. I like the back patio – A LOT.  It is just the perfect combination of sun and shade.  The Humans go out there fairly often to sit, eat and talk to those strange square things they put up to their ears (I’m told they’re called “phones,” but I’ll be darned if I know why Humans insist on talking to them so much).  Inside, there’s another sitting place they call the “lounge”; it’s a really great place to hang out too.  They have a bed for me just in front of the human couch.  My goal is that one day I can jump up on the couch with them, but for now the floor bed is just fine.  Sometimes the Other Cat insists on exploring the bed, but that’s a proverbial fish I’ll have to fry later.  Recently I have discovered the mat in the busy room they call the Treatment Room.  That’s where all the action is.  The mat is just on the edge of the room, so I can take my spot without being bothered by excited dogs and running Humans.  As a bonus, the mat is in front of the door to my beloved patio.  I’m getting the Humans trained to open the door for me, so I can pretty much come and go as I please.

Muffin the cat sitting in on a staff meeting at All Pets Animal Hospital

I must be moving up in the ranks here because they let me sit in on a staff meeting this week, too.  Who knew so many Humans could cram into one room?  There was a lot of excited chatter that seemed to be important to the Humans, but no one seemed to be doing anything but talking about “stuff”.  Honestly, I ended up finding it all fairly dull and left.  Another confounding human activity.

I’m supposed to be telling you all about my adventures in weight loss, so to speak.  Well, I’m getting used to this schedule thing.  I mean, I can’t just eat whenever I want – which is how I’m used to doing things.  I have heard them say that I’m not really “food motivated,” which appears to mean that I don’t steal human food.  I guess what it boils down to is that I used to just eat food because it was there, not because I was actually hungry.  Since they only give me portions twice a day, I don’t really have the chance to “graze” like I used to.  The food they’re giving me is pretty tasty and it really does make me feel more full, like they promised.  To be honest, I’m not really even that hungry most of the day (although, when it’s dinner time – I’m ready).

I guess the biggest change is that it’s easier for me to walk already, meaning it’s worth the bother for me to let them shove that medication into my mouth, give me those shots, and force me to move around.  It doesn’t hurt as much when I walk and the Humans say that I look better when I move.  Basically, even though I haven’t been doing this for a really long time, I’m already feeling better.

I decided to humor them and try a few new things this week.  First, that silly feather thing they keep dangling in front of my face… I decided to give it a try and took a swipe at it.  Not surprisingly, this made the Humans squeal.  I guess it awoke something inside me because, as much as I hate to stoop to the level of a kitten or (ugh) a dog, I enjoyed it!  I played with the feather string thing for several minutes before I’d had enough.  It was actually fun.  I guess the Humans were right. Again.   They have this little red dot they dance in front of me too.  Can’t say as I see the point of that one.  I mean, it’s just a light…

Muffin the cat playing with toy for exercise

I decided to try running this week too.  Guess what? I can run!  Not fast, but I can run!  Silly as I think kittens are, I do miss the days when I could run, jump and bounce like I did in my youth.  This week I gave it a go. In all honesty, I was trying to scoot out of the way of one of the Humans who had decided it was “exercise time.”  Again, they squealed in delight as I ran (did I mention Humans squeal a lot?).  I even tried a bob and weave and managed to sneak between the Human’s legs!  Score a point for Muffin!  All in all, it was a fairly triumphant moment that reminded me what this whole new health thing is about.  Then, I wanted a nap.  And got one.

The Humans introduced me to something very interesting this week, too: catnip.  It was different than the dried ground up (but still pleasant) stuff I’d seen in the past.  It was fresh. Like out of the ground this morning fresh.  And it was niiiccee.  I rolled in it, chewed on it and even played with it.  Basically, all around good stuff and they can bring it to me whenever they feel like it.

I guess the most exciting thing this week was my wild night out of my condo.  Turns out these condos have little buttons that lock them, and someone forgot to push it.  Much to everyone’s surprise (myself included), I handily popped open the door and jumped out.  It was quite exciting.  It did put me face-to-face with the Other Cat overnight, but nothing much came of that.  We agree to mutually disagree on things, so nothing has come to blows.  When the staff came in the next morning they were quite pleased with my ingenuity.  They squealed some more over it.

Of course, this week meant another bath too.  Honestly, I don’t understand the Humans’ obsession with this institution.  They say I can’t groom myself very well yet, so the bath helps my skin.  I put up with it, but it would be a lot nicer (and more dignified) if I didn’t have to deal with it.  I guess it’s part of my fitness goal to be able to do that task myself.  Add that one to the list.

With all this adventure, I have made some progress.  I have lost even more weight.  The dreaded scale went down another 0.3lbs over the week, which they say is very good for a cat!  While I would rather not exercise quite so much, I admit that it is getting easer, and I’m feeling better about it.  My new home is strict about the health program, but pretty easy going about everything else. It’s a fair trade off.  I guess that some would say that, at 11 years old, I’m a little late to this weight loss and exercise game, but it’s working and I’m feeling younger! 

Well, I guess it’s time for me to stop talking.  I wish you all well and a happy “4th of July” (something the Humans seem excited about). 

Until next time,


Muffin the Cat's weight loss chart - All Pets Animal Hospital - pet weight loss

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