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Buddy is my dachshund who had injured his back and became paralyzed in his back legs.  This happened right before Christmas of 2012.  He is protective of his turf, and whenever someone is walking their pets near our house, he barks and chases after them as far as his chain will allow him.  Sometimes he goes full speed until he comes to an abrupt halt.  One night, someone was walking their dog past out house and they had a retractable leash, which they retracted when Buddy started charging after them, so we're not real sure if this was something that was gradually coming on and the other dog incident triggered his affliction, or if it was the cause.  But a day or so after that, we noticed that he wouldn't jump on the furniture anymore, then a couple days after noticing that, he started wobbling when he walked.  We had first thought he might have sprained or strained a muscle when he wouldn't jump on the furniture, but when he started wobbling when he walked, we were very concerned that something serious was wrong.  

Of course since it was the holiday season, we had to wait to call the veterinarian.  We first took him to one locally, not necessarily because we wanted to, or that we didn't want to, but we had already knew about Dr. Anders' practice in acupuncture and chiropractic treatments on animals.  But there was a snowstorm coming and it was quite a drive to his clinic.  The veterinarian locally did x-rays and told us he had a bad disc in his back and would need surgery.  And he also had a pinched nerve in his neck that was probably from him charging others on his chain and coming to an abrupt stop.  The surgery was something we could not afford to do at the time.  So we ordered him pet wheels so he could still get around.  They also started doing laser treatments on him, which we would see some good results from that.  He would stand on all four legs, but when he tried to walk, his back legs would topple over.  It was heart wrenching to see him like this.  Since Buddy couldn't walk, he needed to be picked up to take him outside, or to be put to bed with us.  After the first round of laser treatments were finished with our local veterinarian we waited a week to see how he would react  to them, and was going to do another round of laser treatments on him. 

And his wheels finally arrived, so we had him fitted in them.  He wouldn't really walk with them.  Buddy only took a couple of steps and then just stood there.  We knew it would take awhile for him to get adjusted to using the wheels, but then all of a sudden I was hurting him whenever I picked him up.  This was breaking our hearts that he yelp if I picked him up, and it didn't matter where I was touching.  My husband and I decided we needed to call Dr. Anders to see what he could do for him especially knowing he did chiropractic treatments on animals and Buddy having two areas needing treated.

Our first visit at the clinic was amazing.  The staff is very friendly, but even more important then that was after Dr. Anders did chiropractic treatment, and acupuncture on him, I wasn't hurting him when I picked him up anymore.  I had brought his wheels along to the visit and after the treatments we put him in his wheels and he was walking all over the office!  Dr. Anders also put him on herbs.  We continued office visits weekly and our second visit we started laser treatments followed by acupuncture.  After each visit my husband and I noticed improvements on Buddy's condition.  It was little things along the way, at first he started standing on all fours again, and we both worked with his back legs in between visits with the doctor's suggestions for P.T.  Buddy kept trying to walk on his own, and was soon able to walk on rough surfaces.  Then we noticed he was back to wagging his tail and it seemed like after each treatment there was another thing Buddy was able to do again.  Today he is walking without the help of pet wheels, he runs, wags his tail, stands on his hind legs and we are all three a happy family again.  My husband and I are beyond pleased with Dr. Anders' care and treatments, and with his caring staff.  I recommend their clinic to anyone with disabled pets. 


Robert, Elizabeth and Buddy. 

HAPPY TO HEAR THAT BUDDY IS DOING WELL- thank you for your story. 

Buddy's video 


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  • "We are so thankful we found Dr. Anders! He spends a lot of time with Bo who suffers from liver disease. We are trying acupuncture, manipulation of the spine, and Eastern holistic herbs. Bo loves his new food and we see a new vitality in his behavior. We knew we had nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying a holistic approach. The staff is so friendly and caring, too. Time will tell concerning Bo's prognosis, but he seems so happy chasing squirrels again. Thanks Dr. Anders and staff! (Oh, and the bandanas are adorable!)"
    Debby E.