474 W US Hwy 72

Collierville, TN 38017 US

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Why Does my Dog's Breath Smell?

Why Does my Dog's Breath Smell?

At our Collierville veterinarian clinic--also serving the nearby communities of Germantown and Piperton--we offer pet dental care as part of a comprehensive wellness program for both dogs and cats. Maybe it's because dogs usually have bigger mouths, but we've noticed that a lot of dog owners complain that their canine's breath is a little...ripe. Read on to learn why your pooch's breath may be a little more odorous than you may like--and what to do about it.

Pee-You, Fido! 4 Things That Could Be Causing Your Dog's Bad Breath

If your dog's breath is stinky (trivia bonus: the fancy word for this is halitosis), you should come in to see us so we can check your four-legged friend out. Determining the cause of your dog's breath will help us provide the most effective treatment, and may even alert us to other issues that are going on with your dog's health.

4 of the most common causes of dog bad breath include:

  1. Dental or gum disease caused by the build-up of odor-causing bacteria in the mouth (especially likely if your dog has a lot of tartar and plaque on its teeth)
  2. Diabetes (your dog's breath might smell unusually fruity or sweet)
  3. Kidney disease (your dog's breath might smell like urine)
  4. Liver disease (your dog's foul breath might also be accompanied by vomiting, jaundice, and lack of appetite)

How To Fix Dog Bad Breath

The most important thing you can do to fix dog bad breath is to get in the good habit of regularly brushing your dog's teeth and gums. It may sound like a lot of work, but even just a couple minutes a day can make a big difference. Our Collierville veterinarian staff can give you helpful tips and tools that will make brushing your canine companion's teeth a little easier.

The other important step in correcting your dog's foul-smelling breath is to schedule a pet dental exam with one of our vets. During an exam, we'll thoroughly inspect and clean your dog's teeth, especially in those hard-to-reach spots that even the best pet teeth brushers can't quite get. We'll also look at your dog's entire health picture to determine if there's any other disease process going on that may be contributing to its symptoms.

Is Your Dog's Bad Breath Clearing The Room? Connect With A Veterinarian In Collierville Today

If you've been looking for a veterinarian in Collierville who can help you fix your dog's bad breath, then give our team a call at the Collierville Animal Clinic & Surgery Center. Our staff can provide a thorough examination and customized treatment plan to help improve your pet's dental health--and give you a break from the unpleasant smell! To schedule your appointment today, call Collierville Animal Clinic at 901-853-8519.

New patients receive a free wellness exam.

Clinic/Surgery: 901-853-8519
Pet Resort: 901-854-1500

Visit our online pharmacy to conveniently shop for your pet!

See your pet on Petly – As your pet's personal health page, Petly is a special place for you and your pet. You're just one click away! – GO TO PETLY

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  • "All staff caring and competent. We are thrilled with the care our dog gets here."
    Catherine, Collierville, TN

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