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Anal Sacculectomy

Anal Sacculectomy at Jane Animal Hospital

Is your dog having trouble defecating, or is he scooting himself along the floor on his bottom? He could be suffering from a painful problem involving the anal glands. These glands can become infected, abscessed, or even cancerous. Sometimes the most effective treatment technique is a procedure called anal sacculectomy. If your pet needs this form of surgical care, our Toronto veterinarian at Jane Animal Hospital can provide it.

Anal Sacculectomy at Jane Animal Hospital

Removal of the Anal Glands: Why and How?

Some animals have anal glands which are located in structures called anal sacs, with one anal sac on each side of the anus. The purpose of the anal glands is to release a fluid that leaves a scent on objects, allowing the animal to mark his territory. These glands are periodically emptied out during the action of defecation. If a blockage occurs in one or both of the glands, swelling, infection, pain, itching, and a foul discharge may result. Medical treatment can often resolve the problem, but if the condition has become very severe or occurs frequently, anal sacculectomy may be the smartest response.

Anal glands can also develop tumors, although usually only one anal sac at a time is affected. The tumors may create significant pain and swelling, and they may also metastasize (spread) to other tissues, potentially threatening your pet's life. An anal sacculectomy is the preferred treatment method for dealing with these tumors as decisively and effectively as possible.

Expert Surgical Care from Our Toronto Veterinarian

Anal sacculectomy are relatively simple procedures which can completely solve your pet's anal gland issues. Our Toronto veterinarian will perform a pre-operative evaluation to make sure that your pet is a good candidate for surgery. Once your pet is sedated and anesthetized, the tissue over the anal sac is carefully opened, and the entire anal gland is extracted. If the anal sac is infected, we may place a drain to help any infected fluid exit the body. Otherwise, we will close the entire incision and cleanse the area with an antiseptic solution.

Once your pet is out of surgery, we will prescribe antibiotics, painkillers, and daily monitoring of the incision site for any signs of post-operative infection. Don't be too surprised if your pet experiences some constipation during his recovery. We can recommend products to help soften his stools and encourage normal elimination.

Does Your Pet Have an Anal Gland Problem? Our Veterinary Clinic Can Help

Don't let an anal gland problem lower your pet's quality of life or threaten his well-being. Call our Toronto veterinary clinic at (416) 762-5558 to schedule an examination and discuss the option of surgical treatment!

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