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Limb Amputations

Limb amputations are more common in pets than you may think. Your vet may recommend amputation if your pet has sustained a severe injury after being hit by a car or during an accident. This procedure can save a pet's life if they are suffering from bone cancer or another disease. If your pet has recommended amputation for your pet, it can be very scary. It is important to understand that your pet can adapt quite easily as long as you follow a few tips. The veterinary staff at Jane Animal Hospital in Toronto has prepared the following information on limb amputations to better inform you of the procedure.


The Amputation Procedure

Limb amputation is considered a major surgery. The procedure is performed at a veterinary clinic or animal hospital.  Your pet would be anesthetized during the procedure and the recovery time is much longer than routine surgeries.

Building Strength

It is essential that you help your pet build strength in his remaining limbs. Your vet will give you an exercise program to slowly increase their exercise program. Too much exercise too soon can be harmful to your pet and their recovery.

Don't Encourage them to Jump

Your pet may want to jump up on your bed, the couch, or wherever their favorite spot to sleep is located. You should discourage this. If they try to jump, they will be disappointed when they can't. This can result in depression. To make their favorite spots more accessible, you should put a set of doggy stairs in front of their favorite area. Climbing stairs is much easier than jumping for amputees. Your veterinarian will be able to recommend other ways to make areas accessible.

Protect Your Pet

After the surgery, your pet won't be able to escape from dangerous situations the way they once could. This means that you need to protect them. If you have a dog, they should always go out on a leash. If you have a cat that was once an outdoor cat, you will need to keep them inside after the surgery.

If you have other pets in the home, you should reintroduce them to your three-legged pet after the surgery. While reuniting your pets, you should keep an eye on them for the first few days.

Schedule an Appointment!

Most pets thrive after recovering from leg amputations. If our veterinarian at Jane Animal Hospital in Toronto believe that amputation is your pet's best chance at living a full and happy life, it is essential that you follow their instructions to the letter. This is the best way to ensure that your pet will recover properly and that they will get used to their life as a three-legged pet.  Call (416) 762-5558 to schedule an appointment today!

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