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Bladder Surgery

Jane Animal Hospital Offers Bladder Surgery and Care for Pets

We love our pets and in homes across the country, dogs and cats are beloved members of many families. Taking care of our fury family members is a big responsibility and for many breeds there are specific health concerns to be on the lookout for. But one medical condition that can affect any breed of dog or cat, especially as they age, is urinary incontinence.


What Are the General Symptoms?

There are a number of general symptoms to look out for that can indicate your pet has a problem controlling their bladder and is dealing with incontinence issues. Dripping urine is among the most common early indications of incontinence. The prolonged exposure to urine and the chronically wet skin and cause redness, irritation, rash, blistering, and tenderness. This is one of the most recognizable symptoms of incontinence, along with excessive licking of the private area. You may also notice that sleeping areas are often wet or your dog or cat may start having more accidents and not be able to make it outside or to their litter box in time. Other symptoms can be behavioral changes such as lethargy, irritability, or seeming depressed and uninterested in things they normally enjoyed.

What Should I Do if My Pet is Incontinent?

Consult with a veterinarian, who can diagnose the condition that is causing your pet’s discomfort and issues. The vet will take a look over your pet’s medical history, past medical issues, current activity and eating habits, and any other things that can help pinpoint what the cause may be. Common tests that the veterinarian team may order include a urine culture, physical exams, blood work, radiographs, urine cultures, and ultrasounds among other diagnostic testing. Your veterinarian team will then go over results with you and work up a plan to treat your dog or cat and their specific incontinence issues.

What Are Some Complications to Watch For?

Some attacks of urinary incontinence come and go and can be minor inconveniences that clear up or major problems that affect life for you and your pet. Serious incontinence attacks can progress and cause more serious bladder and kidney infections, which if left untreated, can lead to blood poisoning and sepsis, which are serious and can lead to death. A skin infection may result in areas that are in constant contact with urine or that are subjected to constant licking. This is why it is important to take your pet to a local Toronto animal hospital at the first warning signs of urinary incontinence.

Is Bladder Surgery Needed to Treat This Condition?

In most cases, urinary incontinence can be treated without surgery. However, for extreme cases or when there are other underlying conditions present, bladder surgery may be the best option to bring relief to your pet. Here at Jane Animal Hospital of Toronto, we can help make sure pet is happy and healthy. Call today to schedule an appointment!

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