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Full Mouth Extractions

Pets rely on their teeth to eat their food and in some cases, to protect themselves. This is why it essential that you care for your pet's teeth properly. This can be done with regular brushing, feeding your pet hard food, giving your pet dental bones, and regular dental visits with your veterinarian at Jane Animal Hospital in Toronto. Regardless of how well you care for your pet, there are certain conditions that would require full mouth pet extractions.


Main Reason for Full Mouth Tooth Extraction in Cats- Stomatitis

The most common reason that a cat would need a full mouth extraction is a condition called stomatitis. This is a serious disease of the mouth. It is very painful, and it can cause foul smelling breath, difficulty eating, and weight loss. This condition is not caused by neglecting your cat's dental health, and it is different than gingivitis.

Gingivitis affects just a small amount of tissue surrounding the gum. Stomatitis affects the entire mouth. In some cases, it can begin at the root of the cat's mouth down to his throat. It can cause the molars to be swollen and very painful. Cats who suffer from this disease often stop eating due to the pain, and you may notice blood on his fur. This is caused when the cat drools bloody saliva on himself. When the cat's teeth are all extracted, he will feel great relief.

Main Reason for Full Mouth Tooth Extraction in Dogs- CUPS

CUPS stands for chronic ulcerative paradental stomatitis. This condition causes chronic pain in dogs. The condition can cause painful ulcers on the dog's gums and the mucosal lining of his mouth cavity. The condition can cause bad breath, swollen gums, inflammation that extends to the back of the dog's mouth, thick saliva, pain, loss of appetite and weight loss. When the dog's teeth are extracted, the symptoms will dissipate.

Potential Complications

There are potential complications when a full mouth tooth extraction is performed. However, the benefits of the procedure greatly outweigh the possible complications. The complications include tooth fracture, failure to remove the roots, bleeding, and jaw fracture. To prevent any of these complications from occurring, the vet will perform a dental radiograph.

Future Care

Whether you have a cat or a dog that has had a full mouth extraction, you are going to need to feed your pet a special diet. Soft food such as soft canned food or kibble soaked in water or broth is best. If your pet's condition has caused him to lose a great deal of weight, you are going to need to help him gain it once his teeth have been pulled.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

If you suspect that your pet is suffering from a dental condition that is causing him pain, you should schedule an appointment with Jane Animal Hospital in Toronto. The veterinarian at our animal hospital would give your pet a full pet dental exam. If necessary, our veterinary professional would perform full mouth pet extractions. If gingivitis is your pet's problem, we can give you advice and perform the necessary procedures to treat the condition.  Contact us at (416) 762-5558 to schedule an appointment today!

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