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Recently we have had winter hit us all at once!  Obviously we still have to take our furry friends outside but our time out there is limited due to the extreme cold and frosty conditions.  This can be trying for both us and our pets as they can get bored, and sometimes boredom can trigger bad behaviours.  Here are some tips to help relieve some of your dog’s cabin fever this winter!


It is no secret that our pets love treats! A dental chew can be great entertainment and at the same time be a great way to help maintain a healthy mouth!  There are many different versions that we carry in clinic and that are on the market.  There are also balls that when rolled around dispense treats. This has the ability to not only give your pet some rewards, but also provide some mental stimulation. We do suggest that our patients stay away from the ever popular antler due to how hard they can be on your pet’s teeth.



There are so many options on the market to occupy even the silliest of minds of the canine persuasion.  Many dogs will enjoy a game of fetch in a safe zone of the house, or a squeaky toy to chew on for a while.  To add to your dog’s excitement there are toys that can house treats. This toy is made with safe hard rubber material which incorporates getting physically active while still getting a reward!   

You and Them Time

The most important part of pet’s day is quality time with you. Not being able to go for a long walk is out of their normal routine and can cause your pet some distress.  A little extra love goes a long way to our loyal buddies. The chilly temperatures are a great opportunity to pull up a blanket and cuddle your fur baby, or let them on the couch and enjoy a movie together. You can also take some extra time brushing your dog and hitting all their favourite spots.  Many dogs enjoy a car ride and the change of scenery which can also be good for them!

It is frustrating for all of us, being so cold you can’t even think!  Remember when  your pet is a little extra hyper during this frigid season it is up to you to help them exert some of that pent up energy.

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