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How to Keep Your Pet Cool on Hot Summer Days

Although Summer is almost over, we are still experiencing some intense heat waves around the GTA! Not only should it be our priority to keep ourselves cool, but we can't forget about our furry friends at home either. Here are a few helpful tips to keeping your pet cool whether you're at home or on a walk...

-          H20: Water is essential for any animal or human, and pets can get dehydrated quite easily. Giving them fresh, clean water in the heat or humidity is essential to keeping them healthy and happy.

-          Shade: You certainly do not need to go outside to feel the heat! I'm sure everyone has experienced the sun beating through the window and causing the temperature to go up a few degrees inside the house. If you're leaving your furry friend at home for the day, remember to lower the shades to keep the house temperature comfortable. If you're taking them out on a walk, stick to the trees! No one likes walking for long stretches in the hot sun.

-          Avoid Over-Exercising: Speaking of walking – if it is super hot out, brief and to-the-point walks are the best option for your pet. Let them do their business and head back in to the cool indoors.

Remember, if it is too hot for even you to go outside, it's too hot for your dog or cat! Stay indoors, blast the A.C. and get in some of that quality pet time.  

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