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Back to School Pet Anxiety

It’s back to school time! Summer vacation is over, and the 2019 school year has started. For most this is a time of new beginnings and good spirits, and for some it can be stressful as well, But in the End let’s not forget about the ones who find Back to School more distressing than we do.


Not the kids, not the teachers, note even the bus drivers! They’ll all manage. I’m talking about our pets.


Over the summer months, our dogs, cats, and other companion animals had us all to themselves. They have joined us on vacations, trips to town, and long walks in the park. Unfortunately, now that fall is rolled around, it’s back to the old routine of work and school, and some of us may find that our pets are displaying more anxiety than usual.


Here are a few tips that I find can help ease our pets through the back-to-school transition:


1.Get a new routine and stick to it as much as you possibly can. Pets find comfort in predictable routines, which is why they stress out when changes happen so abruptly at the end of summer. The sooner they can recognize and predict the new routine, the more comfortable they will be.

2.Don’t forget to make time for your pets. It’s can be easy to skip long walks when the pressure of sports, work, and even homework can take up most of your day, but your pet needs your attention now more than ever. Don’t let your day get so crazy that you can’t take a quick walk with your dog or play with your cat for a little bit. Keeping your pet active will help minimize boredom.

3.Hire a pet walker if you’re gone for a long period of time. A mid-day walk can go a long way. If you go this route, make sure you check your pet sitter’s background and ensure they are licensed and bonded.

4.If you can see your pet has significant anxiety issues, there are some gentle products that you can use at home that are non-prescription anxiety meds (which are sometimes used for severely affected pets). Some of my favorites include:

a.Thundershirt: This pressure wrap is often recommended by behaviorists for pets suffering from thunderstorm phobia, separation anxiety, and vet anxiety. It works by sustaining gentle, constant pressure over the chest.

b.Feliway and Adaptil: These are products for cats and dogs that work by releasing appeasing pheromones that have a calming effect on the pet. They are available in various forms, such as sprays, diffusers, and collars.

All of these tips should help your pet be as happy and healthy as it was during the summer. Just remember that attention is the best medicine. Good luck in the new school year and have a great fall!

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