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Tips and Tricks for Traveling with your Pets!

Hello all! I wanted to take the time to introduce myself, as I am a new member of the Jane animal hospital team. My name is Stefanie, but some of you may know me as Dr. Shatsky. I graduated from University College Dublin this past June and I am delighted to be back home in Toronto. While studying in Ireland, I adopted three gorgeous cats, who are now part of my family here in Canada. Two of them are photographed above! 
As summer ends and winter nears, I suspect some of you are longing for a sun holiday (I know I am!), so I wanted to chat about travelling with your pets.
The first step is to plan as far ahead in advance as possible, I suggest about three months. This gives you time to check the country's requirements for pet travel and get any vaccines, microchips, certificates or medications sorted. It also gives you time to experiment with different anti anxiety medications and consult with us, as well as have trial days.
The next step is booking your airline or mode of travel. In my experience I loved flying Air Canada with my cats. They slept the entire 7 hour flight home and were very comfortable flying in the cabin with me. 
It's also very important to get them used to their carrier; I suggest leaving it out as much as possible so they can sniff it, climb on it, and maybe even sleep in it! Also double check with the airline in terms of sizes allowed.
Avoid travelling with any food that contains meat in it as some countries have strict regulations, and when in doubt, declare! And don't forget to declare your animals; you might be subject to a hefty fine or even denied entry upon arrival.
So book with us well in advance, print off at least two copies of the travel documents for your appointment , and enjoy your adventures with your pets! Any further questions just give me a ring and I'd be happy to chat with you.

Schedule an Appointment Today!