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What to do When Your Dog Eats Chocolate

What to Do When Your Dog Eats Chocolate

It’s no surprise that dogs and chocolate don’t mix. You know better than to feed your pet this milky candy, but accidents do happen. Perhaps you or another family member accidentally left the chocolate out in the dog’s view. Now your dog has eaten it. What do you do?

small dog who is sick

Chocolate Poisoning in Dogs: What Happens?

Chocolate may be a delicious dessert to us, but to dogs, it’s toxic. Chocolate poisoning in dogs can occur immediately, in as little as six hours, or sometimes as long as 12 hours. Dogs may experience seizures and shaking, panting, pacing, excessive energy, diarrhea, and insatiable thirst. Death is also a possibility.

Care Tips for When Your Dog Consumes Chocolate

Contact your vet immediately if your dog has consumed chocolate. This is an emergency and we want to make sure your pet is safe. Your vet can talk you through what to do.

Once your vet sees your dog, they will probably prescribe an IV drug such as activated charcoal or apomorphine to alleviate poisoning symptoms and discomfort. Once your dog is feeling better, they can go home. Smaller dogs are more susceptible to death from chocolate poisoning than big dogs, but even bigger breeds can still die from this dessert. The faster you get them treatment, the better.

Contact Jane Animal Hospital Today!

If you’re in the Toronto area and your dog needs emergency care after consuming chocolate or another toxic substance, bring them into Jane Animal Hospital. Besides our emergency services, we also administer pet vaccinations, pet nutritional advice, behavioral counseling, heartworm prevention, flea and tick prevention, pet boarding, pet dentistry, spaying and neutering, and other surgeries.

You can reach us by phone at 416-762-5558 or visiting us at Jane Animal Hospital on 313 Jane Street, Toronto, Ontario, M6S 373.

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