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How Spaying and Neutering Benefits Dogs

How Spaying and Neutering Benefits Dogs

The main effect of spay & neuter programs is to reduce the population of unwanted pets, so this is how they are usually promoted. Unfortunately, this gives the impression that there are no other benefits of these procedures. In reality, there are many upsides for it in dogs. Here are some of the top ones:

Dogs playing in a pile of leaves.

Benefits of Spaying

Females typically live longer and remain healthier when spayed. The procedure is a great help in preventing breast tumors, which are malignant in about 50 percent of cases in dogs. It is also a preventive against uterine infections, which can be fatal.

Spayed dogs do not go into heat. This eliminates the associated mess, prevents the scent from drawing male dogs to your door, prevents urinary marking (females in heat sometimes urinate all over the house), and stops mate-attracting yowling. Finally, spaying is more affordable than caring for a new litter of puppies.

Benefits of Neutering

Neutered dogs have no chance of getting testicular cancer. The risk of some types of prostate problems is greatly reduced, as well. The dog will be less likely to roam, and therefore, less likely to get into fights with other animals or be hit by cars. They are also less likely to get lost. Early neutering can also prevent some behavioral problems, such as being too aggressive or marking the inside of the house with urine.

What Spaying and Neutering Won't Do

There are a few common myths about dog spaying and dog neutering that keep some people from getting these procedures done. One is that the dog will become lazy or overweight. In reality, the weight of your dog depends on exercise and food intake. A dog's "laziness" is determined more by breed than other factors. Some simply need more encouragement than others.

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Neutering and spaying also won't fix all behavioral problems. It only addresses those related to mating and mate-seeking, and for this benefit, it should be done while the dog is still a puppy. To get your dog spayed or neutered, make an appointment with us here at Jane Animal Hospital in Toronto.

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