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The great outdoor!

The great outdoor!

One of my favourite things to do in the summer is go up north. My family has a cottage, but I also enjoying camping as well. I always find these trips are so much more fun when there’s a dog around! Unfortunately, these trips can be dangerous to our furry friends so it is important to do what you can to keep them safe.

One of the best parts of cottage/camping life is being near the water. Swimming, boating and fishing are all activities that everyone (even Rover) can enjoy! There are a few things that you can do to help keep your dog safe while you are by the water. Make sure that he/she is never by the water unattended. While most dogs are naturally good swimmers, there may be a strong current or other factors that could prevent them from getting back to land safely. Also, did you know they make life jackets for dogs? If you spend a lot of time by the lake during the summer months, then investing in a life jacket for your pup would be a good idea. Not only will it keep them safe, it looks cute too!

While a lot of us go up north to seek the peace and quiet away from the city, there are often a lot of wildlife in the area that we need to be aware of. Always keep your pets inside the tent or cottage at night. Depending on where you are, there are often bears, deer, and coyotes roaming around at night and you will want to keep your furry friend away from them. If your dog needs to go out at night, always go with them and bring a flash light and something that can make noise to help ward off any unwanted guests. Wildlife often carry parasites and ticks so it is a good idea to check your dog each night for ticks. Making sure they are up to date on their Revolution and Bravecto is a good idea as well to keep them protected.

Finally, one of the best things about camping is the food! All those yummy treats such as s’more’s taste great to us, but are harmful to our pets. As most people know, chocolate is toxic to dogs and cats. Giving your pet these foods or any other type of human food can also cause an upset stomach.

One easy thing you can do that will help in the event of any issues arising while you are away is to do a quick search for the closest animal hospital in the area that you will be camping. You will hopefully never use the information, but this way you are prepared just in case. Taking a few small precautions helps ensure that you and your pet have a wonderful time away!

p.s. Keep a close eye on your pet around campfires. Some pets are not aware that they should be careful around them, especially with those wagging tails.

Jessica Robitaille, RVT

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